Learn the most important Skill of 2020, Graphic design in Figma in just an Hour! Taught by a Professional Web Designer who has his own multiple startups. Figma is the best tool to start your design career and fill your Passion for design. With it you can do UI UX Design, Graphical User Interface, Web Design, Wireframe, User Interface, Icon, Logo design, Graphic Design all in Figma! It is simple to use, is portable, ultra-light, and has amazing features to give your creativity wings! You will know why Figma is much better than other Softwares and why you should be using it to help you become a better designer, SO you keep designing and leave the worries to Figma!
    UPDATED ► Oct 2020 (New Lectures added about Figma and Adobe XD) Make your Web Design process simple, effective and painless with this Web Design course From the past few years, job of a traditional Web Designer has been drastically changed. Designing for each and every screen (Responsive Web Design) is not easy . Questions like these come to mind of every young web designer e.g. How to change layout? How to setup grids for responsive web design? Which content to hide and show? Now in every Web Design project, we designers Gather project requirements (from client and users) Sketch early Ideas of your website Wire-frame those ideas Convert wireframes to Design Mockups Getting Specs and Style Guides ready for Developers Creating Prototypes to show the flows and interactions How to design Responsive views of your Website in Photoshop Save time by improving your Web Design Workflow Every modern designer uses more than 2 to 3 tools in Web Design process. Designers also need to collaborate with Developers a lot so how to solve all these problems. So in this course, I will show you modern process of creating Responsive web design from gathering information and design briefs from client to creating sketches, wire-frames and prototypes or even style guides for developers. Tools you will use during this course are Adobe Photoshop Balsamiq Mockups Figma Adobe XD Zeplin App Design frameworks you will touch in this course are Atomic Design framework 8-Point Grid System I will show other similar online apps for Web Designers at the end and compare their pros and cons. Now if you are ready to learn the modern web design and become a top notch Web Designer Start this course Now
      In this tutorial you Learn how to use HTML5 and CSS3 to bring a HTML website to life.  Learn HTML5 and CSS3 fundamentals as you build two websites in this introductory course to web development. Starting with how to plan out your website, including a header, navigation bar, content area and footer I'll show you all the techniques used to create a website . Next setup your HTML to match with all the main container sections of your web design.  Create a basic HTML template that can be used and reused on multiple projects.  Then learn how to jazz up your HTML with CSS.  Section by section this course will show you how to create a real world website.  Then tweak and update the code as needed to customize and make the site perform.   Finalize the code by checking the output on different screen sizes adding in and adjusting the CSS to create responsiveness. Source Code is included Top links and Resources provides Step by step from planning to creation Reusable templates Professional training HD video content I'm ready to answer any questions you may have about creating a website from scratch.  Everything is included to get you started quickly.  Expand your portfolio learn how to make a website from scratch.  By the end of the course you will have the skills to make your own version of the website presented within the course. Nothing to lose, there is a 100% Money Back if you don't like it Want to know more, what are you waiting for take the first step.  Join now to start learning to create websites today.
        Explore how you can create websites from scratch!!! Step by step course included EVERYTHING YOU NEED to get started and learn all the fundamental core concepts of web deisgn and web development. Source CODE IS INCLUDED !!! BONUS helpful PDF ebook to get you started quickly Professional training from an instructor with over 20 years of web development experience ready to help you learn and answer any questions you have..... Course covers everything you need to know about HTML Basic syntax - all the common tags used to develop web content How and where you can write HTML - top resources and links included Learn about HTML structure within web pages Explore HTML5 semantic elements Build your own HTML template Create HTML lists, hyperlinks, and add images Build tables for even more HTML structure Create Forms with in depth form examples and HTML tag explanations Add iframes and more cool HTML elements Create your own mini HTML site using only HTML All this and more. Course covers everything you need to know about CSS Find the top resources and links to help you learn The basics of styling How to use Classes and ID to select elements Explore ALL the colors for fonts and backgrounds Move content display properties Learn how to apply styling to common HTML like Lists, Tables, and more Everything you need to style your text and make it look fantastic - including Google Fonts Floats to position elements and content The BOX MODEL - padding, margins, border, height, and width for each element CSS positioning Working with Hyperlinks and making it look good CSS Pseudo Class Course covers everything you need to know about JavaScript explore how to write JavaScript basics Data types the building blocks of coding Using Variables to hold data Functions invoking blocks of code JavaScript operators and assignment syntax JavaScript Objects and Arrays Conditions and Switches to apply logic Loops and iterating through data Arrays and array methods Document object to manipulate HTML element content all this and much more Course covers everything you need to know about JavaScript Document Object Model DOM Selecting elements within the DOM Manipulating element content and text output Adding styling and classes using JavaScript Event Listeners to add user interaction to your web content Building and creating elements with JavaScript Build an interactive list project from scratch Course covers everything you need to know about JSON and AJAX What JSON is and how it works Links and top resources for JSON and JavaScript JavaScript Objects and JSON how they work and how you can use JSON within JavaScript code Array objects and objects that contain arrays and more How to iterate through all the JSON data objects and output them into your HTML page Challenges in lessons with step by step solutions JavaScript JSON methods Local Storage to store JSON data Using JavaScript Fetch to retrieve JSON data and responses All this and much more Course covers everything you need to know about jQuery explore how to write jQuery basics how to select elements to apply manipulations too learn about applying style and classes adding effects to elements like hide and show make you web page come to life with animations and effects slide, fade and animation create interaction with your page using event listeners like mouse events and keyboard events use AJAX to connect to JSON data to easily populate content into your page all this and much more You'll get friendly support in the Q&A area and all the source code available for download. What are you waiting join now to start learning how to make your own websites TODAY :)
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          講座の特徴 この講座は、「 プログラミングに欠かせない、情報検索スキルを高める 」ための講座です。 プログラミングにおいて、 検索スキルは最も大切なスキル といっても過言ではありません。 動かないプログラムをデバッグする、まだ書籍になっていない最新の技術を学ぶ、などなど。 プログラミングの上達と検索スキルは、切っても切れない関係にあります。 実はあまり知られていないのですが、 情報検索には効率的・効果的に行うための戦略や方法論があります 。 ですが実際には、こういった内容について体系的に学ばずに、独自のやり方で検索を行っている方がほとんどです。 検索の戦略は、OR検索やマイナス検索といった小手先のテクニックではありません。 検索を成功させるための体系化されたプロセス、それが検索戦略です。 この戦略を知っているのと知らないのとでは雲泥の差です。 良い戦略を持つ企業が、戦略を持たない企業を差し置いて抜きん出ることができるのと同じで、 検索戦略を持つプログラマーが、戦略を持たないプログラマーを差し置いて抜きん出る ことが出来ます。 扱う内容・扱わない内容 この講座では、 プログラミングを主なテーマとして情報検索の基本スキル について学んでいきます。 特に検索を成功させるための「プロセス」について学んでいきます。 アジャイル開発やテスト駆動開発など、プロセスの重要性をプログラミングは私たちに教えてくれますが、 情報検索においても効果的な正しいプロセスが非常に重要 です。 どのように検索を進めれば、ほしい情報にたどり着けるのか?を明らかにしていきます。 また、検索戦略のプロセスを学べば、 日常での情報検索にも活かすことが出来ます 。 なのでプログラミングを題材にはしていますが、 情報検索を行う方であれば誰にでも役立つ 講座になっています。 具体的には以下のような内容について学んでいきます。 情報検索を学ぶ理由は? 情報検索の「戦略」ってなに? 検索を成功させる5つのプロセス 検索の4つの種類とは? 検索目的を明確にするには? 世界のWebページのうち、日本のページは何%? プログラミングに役立つデータベースの紹介 などなど そして勘違いしやすいのですが、 「情報検索」は「デバッグ」とは異なります 。 「デバッグ」には問題の再現・エラーの推定など、また別のプロセスが必要になります。 「デバッグ」のプロセスの中の、一つが「情報検索」です。 ですので、あくまでもこの講座で扱うのは、「情報検索」であることをご承知おきください。 おまけ Web以前の情報といえば書籍でした。そして書籍を保持・管理するのは図書館でした。 なので情報検索の理論は、図書館でいかに書籍を整理・検索するか?の研究(情報資源組織論)を土台としています。 このコースを利用しない方はぜひ「情報資源組織論」について学んでみてください。
            诸如《Clash Royale》(部落冲突:皇室战争)、《Cross Fire》(穿越火线)之类的手机网络游戏在玩家中非常流行。 本门课程《Unity游戏编程进阶》是专项课程游戏编程的第二门课,通过《Unity游戏编程基础》课程,学习者已经具备开发移动平台3D单机游戏的基本能力,然而与次世代画面的网络手游开发仍存在很大差距。《Unity游戏编程进阶》课程重点讲解手机网络游戏的开发,提升游戏的可玩性和游戏的画面效果,优化游戏的性能。 本课程以《Unity游戏编程基础》课程为基础,具体讲解导航与寻路、僵尸AI、逆向动力学等技术的应用,增加游戏的可玩性;讲解全局光照、着色器以及Image Effect等知识点,提升游戏画面效果;讲解Unity Profiler、Unity 性能优化以及Quality设置等相关知识点来优化游戏的性能;讲解如何使用Photon网络引擎包含的PUN(Photon Unity Network)进行Unity网络游戏开发。相比Unity内置的网络工具包,Photon的PUN功能更加成熟、强大、灵活、丰富,在全球拥有数十万开发者。在课程的最后部分,完成本门课程项目《慕课英雄2》:第一人称射击手机网络游戏。 通过本门课程的学习,学习者将对Unity游戏开发有更深层次的理解,能够使用Unity与Photon网络引擎开发3D手机网络游戏,为将来入职游戏行业或进行独立游戏开发奠定优秀的编程基础。